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Mederka Special Offer Protein: Package C

RM 1,349.00

Original Price: RM900 ~ RM1,779.80

Promo Price: RM1,349.00

Buy ANY 8 BIG Bottles of Protein 150G/450G/650G/1KG

FREE 1 BIG Bottles of Protein 150G/450G/650G/1KG

Full Payment:

▪ FREE Nuewee Organic Green Tea with Stem Cell Gold 1KG x1 (Worth: RM169.00)

▪ FREE Nuewee Organic Instant Oats 200G x2 (Worth: RM16.00)

▪ FREE Protein Sachets 25G x6 (Worth: RM36.00)


▪ FREE Nuewee Organic Instant Oats 200G x2 (Worth: RM16.00)

▪ FREE Protein Sachets 25G x6 (Worth: RM36.00)
Green Tea Protein:


【Nuewee Organic Green Tea Protein with AFA Stem Cell Gold】 is suitable for:

  • - Those who want to lose weight
  • - Those who want to serve as meal replacement
  • - Dry, dark and aging skin problem
  • - Weak in immune system
  • - Those who want to reduce fat and cholesterol
  • - Those who suffer in inflammation

    【Nuewee 有机绿茶功能性蛋白粉与AFA干细胞】非常建议给:
  • - 想要替代膳食的人
  • - 想要减肥瘦身的
  • - 干燥,暗淡无光和老化的皮肤问题
  • - 免疫系统弱的
  • - 想减少脂肪和胆固醇的人
  • - 患有发炎的人

  • Banana Protein:

  • 【Nuewee Organic Banana Protein with Ligno Tiger Milk Mushroom】is suitable for:

    • - Relieve respiratory symptoms such as sinus, cough and cold
    • - Supports lung & respiratory health
    • - Supports immune health
    • - Relieves allergies & anti-inflammatory
    • - Improve sleep quality & release tension
    • - Reduce Bad Cholesterol
    • - Control blood sugar level
    • - Promote Gut health

【Nuewee 有机香蕉蛋白粉与Ligno虎乳芝】非常适合给:

  • - 改善鼻子敏感,咳嗽和伤风症状
  • - 强化肺部和呼吸系统健康
  • - 增强免疫系统
  • - 缓解过敏和抗炎
  • - 改善睡眠质量和缓解压力
  • - 减少胆固醇
  • - 控制血糖
  • - 促进肠道健康

Blackcurrant Protein:

  • 【Nuewee Organic Blackcurrant Protein with Astareal Astaxanthin】 is suitable for:

    • - Improve your brain & memory Function
    • - Improve Weak eyesight
    • - Reducing Swelling
    • - Boost wound healing
    • - Protect heart health
    • - Improve Skin’s elasticity
    • - Obesity and weight lost
    • - Reduce and lighten pigmentation

【Nuewee 有机黑加仑蛋白粉与Astareal虾青素】的好处

  • - 改善你的大脑和记忆功能
  • - 改善视力
  • - 减少身体肿胀
  • - 促进伤口愈合
  • - 保护心脏健康
  • - 增强皮肤的弹性
  • - 帮助减重
  • - 淡化雀斑

    Pumpkin Protein:

  • 【Nuewee Organic Pumpkin Seed Protein with Turmacin Turmeric】is suitable for:

    • - Cardiovascular problem
    • - Blood pressure problem
    • - Blood cholesterol problem
    • - Blood Glucose problem
    • - Joint pain
    • - Allergy & Inflammation
    • - Eyesight degeneration
    • - Obesity

【Nuewee 有机南瓜籽蛋白与Turmacin姜黄】适合以下人群:

  • - 心血管问题
  • - 血压问题
  • - 血胆固醇问题
  • - 血糖问题
  • - 关节炎
  • - 过敏和炎症
  • - 视力退化
  • - 肥胖

  • Sesamin Gold Protein:

  • Benefits-of-Nuewee-Organic-Sesamin-Gold-with-Biotin
  • 【Nuewee Organic Sesamin Gold with Biotin】 is suitable for:

    • - Rejuvenate the liver, kidneys, and blood.
    • - Help with Stronger and Healthier Hair Growth
    • - Detoxifies and revitalizes
    • - Joint Health
    • - Assist in lowering cholesterol levels

【Nuewee有机芝麻素与生物素(Biotin)】 非常建议给:

  • - 补益肝脏、肾脏及补血
  • - 帮助更强韧及健康的头发成长
  • - 排毒及重振能量
  • - 保护关节
  • - 帮助降低胆固醇水平

Super Green Juice:

  • Nuewee-Organic-Super-Green-Juice-with-Sea-Buckthorn-Benefits
  • 【Nuewee Organic Super Green Juice with Sea Buckthorn】is suitable for:

    • - Alkalize & Energize Your Body
    • - Prevent Constipation & Bad Body Odor
    • - Detox Naturally
    • - High Antioxidant
    • - Boost Immune System

【Nuewee Organic Super Green Juice with Sea Buckthorn】非常建议给:

  • - 碱化和加强身体能量
  • - 预防便秘和体臭问题
  • - 自然排毒
  • - 高抗氧化
  • - 增强免疫系统

  • Collagen:

  • Benefits-of-Pure-Collagen-Hydrolysate
  • 【Nuewee Pure Collagen Hydrolysate】is suitable for:

    • - Improve Skin Moisture Level
    • - Improve elasticity and suppleness of skin
    • - Strong and fast growing nails
    • - Prevent and reduce the deep wrinkles
    • - Thicker and strong hair
    • - Reduce the symptom of joint pain
    • - Improve and prevent osteoporosis

【Nuewee Pure Collagen Hydrolysate】非常建议给:

  • - 改善皮肤水分含量
  • - 改善皮肤的弹性和柔软度
  • - 强壮而快速生长的指甲
  • - 预防和减少深层皱纹
  • - 头发更浓密更强壮
  • - 减轻关节疼痛的症状
  • - 改善和预防骨质疏松症

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